Sunday, March 16, 2025

March Memories from Years Gone By

March Memories/2020 

Five years ago today, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and the mayors of five other Bay Area counties ordered residents to shelter in place, starting March 17. Three days later, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that policy would extend to include the entire state. 

I know this because I just read my blog entries for 2020. I wrote that I’d been staying in even before March 16, because a week earlier Newsom had recommended that people 60 and older stay home because of the rapdily spreading COVID-19 epidemic. So I did.

In a blog post, I admitted I’d driven to the edge of the continent once, defying the shelter-in-place order, “to make sure the Pacific Ocean was still there.” It was — but the next day the governor closed all the parking lots at the beach. 

Phew. Remember when we were told the shelter-in-place order probably would last about four weeks, and then everything would go back to normal? Yeah — it didn’t, and in some ways, it still has not. 

Remember how scared we were before a vaccine was available, and then how desperate we were to get one? Later this week, I’ll pop in at the Kaiser clinic for my ninth COVID shot. My doc recommends I get boosted every six months, and I appreciate the extra protection, so I’ll go.

I giggled when I read my post from 2020 that defined my “Essential Self” at that time. My “Must-Haves” included clean sweatpants, t-shirts and tie-dye socks; a Zoom Costume for my upper half, complete with dangly earrings; my favorite music; plenty of good food; a charged phone and Kindle; and enjoyable freelance writing and editing assignments. 

Five years later, I can’t argue with any of that, but am so relieved that we’re all out and about again.   

I hope we’ve learned not to take that for granted!

March Memories/1994 

“What’s doing in the Maldives?” 

That was just one of the quirky questions that would open our Sunday afternoon ritual for almost a decade, as Ross Winter and I paged through an atlas to look for an island to move to in retirement. Each week, we’d research a possibility or two. 

One Sunday, I was certain I’d found a perfect spot — the Dry Tortugas, islands 70 miles west of Key West, Florida. As we talked about the location, Ross not-so-innocently asked, “Did you check out why they’re called “dry?” I had not. Turns out there is no fresh water there. Oops. 

When Ross took a vacation in Greece, he sent me a postcard from the island of Symi, also spelled “Simi.” He praised the place, suggested we consider it a possibility— and signed off with “We could be Simians!” I still have the card.

After perusing the atlas each Sunday, we’d work the crossword in the New York Times — he used a pencil, and I opted for a purple felt-tipped pen, which always annoyed him. Next, I’d serve as prep cook, slicing and dicing and assembling whatever ingredients we needed, and then Ross would cook dinner. 

At the time, Ross, a native Australian, was co-founder and artistic director of a regional modern dance company. When he was approaching 50, he decided to choreograph a full-length parody of “The Nutcracker” for his company, and he spoke often of his plans for his show "The Madcracker" during our Sunday dinners. 

At some point, I insisted that he include a tap number in the second act. In response, he challenged me to perform it. Though I have more nerve then talent, I’d danced as a kid, so I quickly rounded up some talented teachers to prepare me for the role. 

For the next eight years, I left my job as a newspaper reporter for two weeks and toured the Midwest with the show, dancing (well, sort of) in gazillions of red sequins and flapping fringe. 

Yep, I used to be fun! I’ve always believed you have to collect wild and crazy experiences when you’re young so you have something to talk about later when you’re hanging out in the lounge at your senior residence. And I do!

Bonus: All those years, because it was a paid gig, on my income taxes I got to list “tap dancer” along with “reporter” as my profession.

In March of 1994, my career in show business and those idyllic Sundays came to an abrupt end. While I was off watching gray whales in San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California, Mexico, Ross was in a car accident. He died a week later. Though he's been gone 31 years, I miss him still. 

And I still have no idea what’s doing in the Maldives.  

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Conversational Twists

 Say what? I didn’t see THAT coming! 

Three times this week, conversations have taken wildly different turns, gone in directions that I could not have predicted. Laughing is good — enjoy! 

When I called a local business for answers to some pressing questions I’d asked a few days ago, the woman I spoke to said she had the information, but haven’t gotten back to me “because I had to drive two hours there and then back to pick up a mule.” 

A mule!

She then regaled me with a great story about a rescue mule she was adopting. “He’s a handsome fellow, and stands 17 hands high,” she said. “He let me ride him with no problem.” 

I’m from Missouri, so I am marginally informed about the animals, which are the offspring of a male donkey and female horse. Mules were first introduced in Missouri in the 1820s, and have served as the official state animal since 1995. 

The website tended by the Missouri Secretary of State boasts: “Missouri mules pulled pioneer wagons, plowed fields during the 19th century and played a crucial role in moving troops and supplies in World War I and II. For decades, the Show-Me-State was the nation's premier mule producer.” And that’s everything I know about mules.

I know a tad more about donkeys, because my friend Amy gave me a copy of "Running With Sherman: The Donkey With the Heart of a Hero" by Christopher McDougall. The book is funny, compelling and ultimately, heart-warming. 

Here’s the official blurb on McDougall’s story: “Burro racing, a unique type of competition in which humans and donkeys run side by side over mountains and through streams, would be exactly the challenge Sherman and Chris needed. In the course of Sherman’s training, Chris would enlist Amish running clubs, high-spirited goats, the service animal community, and two Sarah Palin–loving long-distance female truckers.”

Of course I told the proud new mule owner about Sherman’s story. Then she answered my original questions, and we wished each other well.   

The Hunt for Miniature Mandarins

I wasn’t looking for answers on Instacart, the online delivery service that brings my groceries to my door — I was searching for Kishu mandarins. These tiny little packages of Vitamins A and C are sweet, juicy and really easy to peel. 

Fruit Factoids, from AI: “Kishu mandarins may have originated in Southern China in the 8th century. They became a favorite in Japan and were introduced to California in the 1990s.” For weeks, I’ve been ordering and eating them, and though the season is coming to an end, I’m not ready to move on to a different variety just yet. 

Instacart’s site indicated the store where I bought my last two orders was all out of Kishus. I called the store to ask whether a new shipment might be expected, and the clerk’s answer was a big surprise.  

“We have Kishus right now,” she said. “I’m looking at them.” She invited me to come to the store and grab what was available, as the season is almost over. When I explained that wasn’t possible just now, the clerk suggested I order a different variety on Instacart but add a note indicating what I really wanted. That seemed iffy to me. 

“Let me talk to the manager about why the website shows Kishus as out of stock,” the clerk said. Back on the phone, she told me the manager said the store never sells these particular mandarins on the Instacart website, because the store never knows when shipments will arrive or how big they may be. 

That would be interesting if it were true, but it is not. I told her that in the past month, I’ve already gobbled up three pounds of Kishus ordered from her store through Instacart.

Next, the manager got on the phone, apologized for the confusion and kindly offered me a private delivery at a reduced rate. I said I’d call back if I wanted to set that up. Back on Instacart, I found Kishus in stock at a different store, and an hour later I had a new supply. 

Up On the Roof 

(Go on, sing a few bars as an homage to The Drifters.)

On Wednesday night, I missed the monthly meeting held by my building’s management company. A neighbor who provided some highlights later mentioned that some residents have been smoking on the roof of our 13-story apartment tower, home to about 130 adults 62 and older. 

"What an insurance nightmare that could be for management at a senior building where smoking is not permitted," I said. From now on, my neighbor told me, management has decreed that the door to the roof will be locked. A few hours later, when I repeated this news to another neighbor who had missed the meeting, she said she was sad to hear that. 

The roof, she said, was a great place to watch fireworks on July 4 and New Year’s Eve, and “now a few smokers have spoiled that for everyone.” I had not known about these fireworks-watching parties— but I do know that this particular brave friend is legally blind.

Considering the Price of Eggs   

Pondering this plethora of odd conversations brought another twisty one to mind, the story Woody Allen tells in his movie “Annie Hall” about his brother. I found it on the Internet, of course:  

“It reminds me of that old joke — you know, a guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and says, hey doc, my brother's crazy! He thinks he's a chicken. Then the doc says, why don't you turn him in? 

"Then the guy says, I would, but I need the eggs.” 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Ho Ho Ho and All That!

Many family Christmas photos look alike, right? You may have one similar to this in your treasured collection: 

(Just so you know I refused to leave the department store without that stuffed doggy, and that may explain my lifelong admiration for Snoopy, though Charles Schulz had yet to draw the beguiling beagle when this photo was taken.) 

A leisurely scroll through my phone on a lazy Saturday yielded all kinds of odd and unexpected photos from Christmases Past, and I’m posting some of them here with brief explanations. 

Hope this inspires you to have a look back at your own holiday pictures and to enjoy how you got to where you are now.


My holiday habit is to wrap gifts while "The Nutcracker" plays and then sit down with a mug of hot chocolate as I read Truman Capote's brilliant story "A Christmas Memory." This photo was taken halfway through those two delightful tasks. 


I took this while literally sitting among the (outer) branches of the vintage tree on display at Vierra and Friends — my favorite hair salon for almost 15 years now —  where the decorations always spark memories of days gone by. What a collection of goodies are on view!


This ornate handmade cornucopia filled with fresh-baked cookies is proof that Gerry and Tom were in town for Christmas — and a kid made the accompanying sign after learning a new word! 


This bargain-basement tree worked fine — for a few hours. Then it fell over. Repeatedly. As I recall, the season ended early at my place. Enough already! (See that dancing orange elephant? When I was pregnant 51 years ago (gasp), I painted more than 100 tiny wooden ornaments and then gave that up for good. But I kept the dancing orange elephant.)


 How's this for a minimalist approach? And yet it got the job done. Sometimes, I don't want to unpack my sturdy box of Christmas items — so I don't. 


How cool is this! My friend Barbara Deuel made this ornament. I bought it — actually I bought a short stack — and gave them out as gifts to friends who adore the Golden Gate Bridge as much as I do. Barb now makes amazing miniature rooms!


For years, this was my favorite fruitcake. Then the monks changed the recipe or something, because the last one I ordered, maybe three years ago, was dry and flavorless. Even when the cakes were excellent, the monks will never match the fruitcakes made each year by Patricia Rice, my friend and colleague at the Post-Dispatch. The newsroom always loved getting tipsy on her fruitcakes! 


More food — this time, an elegant display of appetizers at our family's Christmas dinner, served in the living room with mood lighting. Perfect. 


So happy to be in a family that includes Marylou and Mario, the lovely parents of my daughter-in-law's sister-in-law. Marylou is the "Glam Gram" in the family, Mario is a karaoke master and together they are accomplished ballroom dancers.


Bet you did not see this coming! Actually, this was just a few days after Christmas in 2014. I was browsing in the bookstore just around the corner from Berkeley Rep before seeing a show, and I squealed aloud when I saw these collectibles from "The Big Bang Theory." I still regret not buying them! 


Wowsa! How's that for a Christmas stocking? Bought this at one of my friend Judy's craft shows, as it clearly is an expression of my inner self. (Okay, my inner self in my 30s and 40s. I used to be fun.) Anyway, after the first of the year, I gave it to the Glam Gram in the family, who was still into cute shoes. (See 2015.)


Well — where does the 49er sit when he shows up at your family's Christmas dinner? Grandma Sue's plan worked well, we all thought — and what a great tree! 


Here's another expression of my inner self, the one who bought this felt stocking on a college campus in 1968 when the peace movement was in force. I'll never part with this. I still have that floppy-legged raindeer, too.


Tradition! Or as much of one as I'm usually inclined to follow. Don't misunderstand. At one time, back when I played Santa, I cherished the ritual of bringing a live tree into the house and hanging all my nifty ornaments — many of them handmade by friends — on it. 

Then, the fifth consecutive year that I ended up in the doctor's office in between Christmas and New Year's Day, my ENT pointed out the pattern. "You're not putting up a live tree, right?" he asked. 

Guilty — all five years, and many before that.

The doc informed me that mold spores come into the house with live trees, and more mold grows in the stand that holds the water. Patiently, he reminded me I was allergic to all airborne molds — and then he told me I should not bring live trees into my home ever again. Even the Druid tradition of decorating with aromatic evergreen branches is risky for me.

That said, I still can go festive with the best of them — and one year, I had a little help from a friend, who sent me this glorious bejeweled humpback. That's quite an unusual holiday centerpiece!  

One more favorite Christmas photo; this one of dear Kermit, who lost his Santa hat behind the couch after too much eggnog: 

 Merry Christmas to all! 




Saturday, November 23, 2024

Thanksgiving Memories

Yikes! Next week is Thanksgiving again — already!  

The holiday is always a good time to remember what’s good about your life, even if a messy pile of Not So Good Just Now loiters in the corner. 

To spark happy memories from years gone by, I meandered through my cellphone photos taken late in Novembers past. I’m surprised by what I’d forgotten — or if not forgotten, at least I'd mislaid the details about when certain events had taken place. 

Have a look at some of my holiday highlights here, and then I hope you enjoy searching for your own.

To begin with, last year's Thanksgiving dinner at Susan's was scrumptious! Here's my plate:

Two years ago, I brought a Turkey Bowling game to dinner, with plastic pins shaped like life-sized turkey drumsticks so family members could bowl in the long hall. Alas, no pictures — but I do remember some of us hid a turkey leg or two around the house before we left.  

(Full Disclosure: I also was responsible for the rubber ducks sporting Thanksgiving attire, the Wind-Up Fuzzy Bunny/Chicken Races at Easter, and who in the family will ever forget our Wind-Up Moose Races one Christmas? Okay, I'm the Silly Holiday Guest. LOVE wind-up toys.) 

I Don't Do Crafts — and I even have a button that says that. However, for a few consecutive years, I showed up on Thanksgiving with craft projects for everyone else. Here's what we (they) worked on in 2019:

Cute! Even cuter: In 2018, another family member provided Thanksgiving Hats for one and all: 

In 2016, I went everywhere: The Big Island, a wonderful Viking river cruise from Amsterdam to Hungary, then to St. Louis and right before Thanksgiving, I left on a National Geographic/Lindblad cruise that followed the Lewis and Clark expedition along the Snake and Columbia Rivers. 

On a stop at the Maryhill Museum of Art in Goldendale, Washington, I got to pose with a bas relief of one of my favorite people: innovative dancer Loie Fuller. (I once danced as her at a fundraising benefit for a regional theater. Yep, me.)  

Over a chilly Thanksgiving with family in 2015, I relaxed. A lot. The mountains were beautiful and the snow-laden trees were beautiful: 

That said, cold weather just doesn't suit me (are all older adults afraid of walking on ice?), so I snuggled into an easy chair with my Kindle.   

I'd forgotten that during Thanksgiving Week in 2014, I was busy with book signings, celebrating a great guide Eve Batey and I penned about cool stuff to do in San Francisco — some of which I still do, after almost 15 years after moving here.  

Our family had much to celebrate in 2012 (you know who you are), but photographic records from Thanksgiving Week of 2011 indicate I was out on the water, watching for whales, a passion I have indulged since 1982. (Another "yikes" is in order!) 

These sea lions seemed to enjoy rocking in the waves on the bright yellow buoy. 

Here's a photo from 2008 of some dear friends at a party at my spacious condo in St. Louis County, where I often invited 70 people over for festive occasions:

Sometimes I still miss all 1,700 square feet (and sometimes just that massive soaking tub), but I truly have everything I need in my 560-square-foot apartment here on the edge of the continent.  

Living in the past, of course, is not possible — the world only spins forward — so let's all gear up for a lovely Thanksgiving 2024!    


Monday, September 30, 2024

Escaping Reality on a Monday Afternoon

Update: Escape Artists Do It Again! 

We are problem-solvers, we are wizards, we are shape-shifters — we rock, as once again a short stack of terrific friends and I tested ourselves at The Escape Game San Francisco

On Jan. 30, we outsmarted The Heist, reportedly a tougher nut to crack than the Gold Rush Days, which we bested back in September. (Read about that first adventure below.) 

Okay, so once again we solved the riddle with under a minute to spare in the hour we were allotted — but who's counting!  

We studied great works of art to discover their secrets, decoded Egyptian hieroglyphs, used a laser to activate the powers of three African masks, pondered clues revealed on a Scrabble board, gathered actual puzzle pieces, figured out codes that opened locks, did a magic trick to pull a cork out of a bottle, perused art books, followed clues revealed by a black light and finally found the Monet painting hidden in the crooked museum curator's office. 

Did we have to ask for clues from John, our Game Runner? Of course, and we are not ashamed. He told us previous players had to ask for LOTS more clues than we did. Hmmmm — that's what our Game Runner said last time, too. Maybe they say that to everyone? 

We also thought we might be displaying our treasure upside down when the Game Runner took our photo (we were), but he quipped, "It's Monet, how can you tell?" and went off to monitor another group.  

What a great afternoon! We brainstormed together, laughed a lot and enjoyed the game. If you've never tried an escape game, gather up some pals and go for it. (St. Louisans: Head for Adventures of Intrigue, an open-concept escape room.)    

(Original Post) 

Escaping Reality on a Monday Afternoon

Five friends and I ran away today, all the way back to Gold Rush Days. Did we attend a lecture? Drive up Highway 49 to tour the towns that housed the mines? See a film? 

No. We booked an hour in an escape room, which is kind of a scavenger hunt held in a series of locked rooms that reveal clues to help you and your friends “escape” before an hour is up. Read more here. We played at The Escape Game San Francisco. 

Full Disclosure: We escaped, with just 1 minute and 55 seconds left on the clock! 

The Takeaway: It was fun! It was not easy, but it was fun, and we were quite proud of ourselves for finishing, though we did have to buzz our game monitor for a lot of clues. The set up was kind of corny and most of the clues were not intuitive. In fact, some of the clues seemed obvious only after we sorted it out and we all were discouraged at the sight of one clue that required algebra. Algebra! 

Other than dealing with that annoying math, together we used logic, analysis and imagination. In the course of the game, we found whiskey bottles with numbers on them, unlocked many a combination lock with some of those numbers, handled rifles, counted points on deer antlers, opened more locks, used jumper cables to blow up some dynamite, finally figured out what the flashing lantern meant and even siphoned the contents of a canteen. Two friends opted to climb through the mine shaft.                                        

And at last, we found all the miner’s gold!

Phew! Good thing we went out for Happy Hour afterward.    

Inspired by my son's enthusiasm for Escape Rooms, starting about a month ago, I spent an hour doing the research and getting a recommendation for a game that was perfect for people who have never tried one before. Then I had to talk my friends into taking part — some of us had concerns — and then I nailed down a date and booked the game. 

What were our concerns?

I worried that in spite of a lot of experience (A LOT) with word games, I would be bad at this. I was not entirely wrong — my contributions were small — but it’s too late to impress these friends anyway. One friend worried about claustrophobia, but anyone is free to leave at any time. We all wondered if we would fail to solve the puzzles and be stuck forever in a dead gold miner’s cabin. (At least it was air-conditioned on a ridiculously hot day.)  

Here’s how I sold the idea: “It's ONE HOUR. Ever had a root canal? Even if the escape room doesn't turn out to be your favorite new thing, it will beat an hour in the oral surgeon's chair." (I know whereof I speak.) I reminded everyone this adventure was all about fun, and we would make it so.

The History of Escape Rooms

An off-shoot of first-person video games, a concept that grew in popularity in 2004, in-person escape rooms started in 2007 in Kyoto, Japan. In 2012, a company called SCRAP opened the first escape room in the U.S., in San Francisco. Today, cities in more than 60 countries offer the games, driven by an increasing demand for “unique and immersive entertainment experiences.”

We happened to choose an historical theme, but escape rooms also are available in several genres, including horror, fantasy and science fiction. One marketing assessment noted that 75 percent of escape rooms “prioritize narrative and thematic elements to enhance player engagement."

According to Allied Market Research, “The global escape room market size was valued at $7.9 billion in 2022, and is projected to reach $31 billion by 2032, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 14.8% from 2023 to 2032.” MarketWatch has reported that in the U.S., the market is expected to reach $1.75 billion by 2026. Our adventure cost us $52.50 a person, because we opted to keep it to the six of us, rather than the eight allowed in any one escape room at a time. 

Families visit escape rooms. Corporations send employees for team building. Friends book sessions for fun, as we did, and the experience reminded us that it's always good to try something new! 

(Thanks to my friends who took the photos!)  

Monday, September 9, 2024

On Wrangling Author Interviews

People — I need people! 

That’s my conclusion after investing many hours searching the internet, making phone calls and sending emails in attempts to line up interviews with book authors.

In some instances, I suspect the effort required to help promote an author’s work sometimes takes me more time than the author spent writing a single chapter! Why? Book authors who have hit the big time have people — publicists, agents, editors and personal assistants — and connecting with any of those people often is difficult, though most authors I've encountered do want to promote their work by talking to reporters like me who enjoy writing about books. 

For four decades, I’ve interviewed authors about their latest work, their process, their future projects and even their personal lives. In the past, I loved talking with Phil Rosenthal. Read my interview with Louise Penny here; my article on Daniel Pink is here; and here’s another favorite, my interview with Mary Pipher. And that's just a few examples.

Occasionally, scheduling interviews is a snap, and I easily meet my deadline. Sometimes, publicists and agents even come to me, requesting that I interview an author they represent. Other times, I spend weeks, even months, trying to schedule an author interview. 

Few of these writers are ever aware of just how many guard dogs I’ve had to disarm to get the interview, and many have sent me lovely notes after we’ve spoken — often thanking me for having read their books before I interviewed them, which apparently is rare. 

Where I Spied Anne Rice's Secret Message to Readers

I know that from personal experience. I’ve written books, 15 of them, for national and regional publishers. Once when I was a guest on a morning TV talk show, the host kept flipping through my newest book — clearly the first time he had held it — and remarked repeatedly how great the photos were. As it was morning, I was barely awake, or I would have pointed out I didn’t take any of the pictures.

Reading a book before an author interview always pays off, for some obvious reasons and others as well. I once spied a sentence in a book that seemed to directly address a recent public admission from Anne Rice about her pen name. When I interviewed her, I mentioned that sentence. She said I was right, and added that I was the only person to ever ask her about it. 

Finding that subtle announcement years ago was easier than securing some interviews today. At one time, most book authors included an email address on their websites. That’s no longer so, though some do provide a contact form. I’ve filled out dozens of the forms, and rarely hear back. Apparently, many authors’ personal assistants do not monitor interview requests sent through contact forms on websites. 

On one form I submitted, I pointed out that the author’s name was misspelled on the site, but no one cared enough to answer — and it hasn't been fixed, either. 

Here's the Number to Call to Order a Book

A phone call to a publisher’s editorial division used to work well. The individual who answered (gosh — remember those days?) would kindly provide the name and email address or phone number for the author’s editor, or, at the least, contact information for the publicity department. Today, few publishers make public the phone number for the editorial division, but they all are happy to offer a number to call so you can place an order for the author’s book.  

Here's one of my secrets: Often, authors express thanks to various editors on the acknowledgements pages of a new book, and that's a great place to score a name or two. That said, editors and publicists seem to change jobs often, so even when I find email addresses online, a lot of the time they are out of date, and my interview request emails bounce back. 

Book Authors and Your People: If I can’t reach an editor, a publicist, an assistant or the author, how can I schedule a time to talk and help promote the book? I suspect part of the problem is the volume of interview requests received by the people who work for authors, especially famous ones. Of course, sometimes, when I’ve established contact with exactly the right person, I get a flat “no’ for an answer — though on at least one occasion, that decision was reversed.  

After repeatedly turning down an interview request, an agent called early one morning to offer me 15 minutes on the phone with the author — right then. Ironically, my “I-just-got-up” voice matched author/playwright/actor Harvey Fierstein’s distinctive gravelly rasp, but I got the story

Promises I Hope Authors' People Will Keep

Some publicists try to satisfy inquiring reporters (and bloggers and influencers and other social media stars) with releases that feature a canned Q&A session with an author. When I was offered one recently, I replied that parroting a release would not suffice, as I had a contract from a publication that requires original work from professional journalists. 

That seemed to satisfy the publicist enough to offer me an email interview, where I submit questions and the author responds via email. That’s never ideal, as it isn’t a real conversation, and offers no opportunity for spontaneous follow-up questions to surprising answers. Plus, I wonder why publicists haven't sorted out that email interviews always take authors more time than a 20-minute phone interview.

Still, I accepted, I crafted five meaty questions and I told the publicist the author had a month to respond. That deadline has come and gone, but I remain hopeful. On June 12, I requested an interview with another book author. I’ve now “met” electronically seven different people on her team, and two of them have hinted that soon I may be granted an interview. Stay tuned! 

All the barriers in place that keep writers from interviews with book authors seem so counter-intuitive to me — but maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way. Instead of trying to wrangle interviews, perhaps I need people of my own to do it for me.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Crazy Connections: San Francisco, Gaslight Square, the Mooses and Me

Who knew? A casual question led to hours (and hours) of enjoyable research that ultimately ties together people and places from days gone by — fun! Read on. 

“Did you know Ed Moose when you worked at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch?” The question comes from John Ferguson, my Pilates Reformer instructor, as I slip my feet into loops for the next exercise. I thought for a bit, and said I did not. 

John then told me that Moose, who’d worked for a time as a sports writer, had moved some years ago from his native St. Louis to San Francisco, where he and his wife, Mary Etta, had owned two restaurants. 

I, too, am a native St. Louisan who ran off to San Francisco. I'm also a former food writer and restaurant critic at the Post-Dispatch and I’ve written a book packed full of insider foodie lore. I was intrigued.

My Search for All Things Moose

Back home, I looked online for information about the couple, both of whom are gone now. An obituary for Ed Moose ran in the San Francisco Chronicle after he died in 2010 at 81. In the piece, Carl Nolte — a veteran columnist and a graceful and insightful writer — described Moose as “the genial host who for 32 years was the presiding genius behind the Washington Square Bar & Grill and Moose's.”

Both places were popular, Nolte noted, attracting “mayors, senators, sports stars, musicians, writers, celebrities, artists and a smattering of tourists and ordinary San Franciscans.” 

Two books have been written about the Washington Square Bar & Grill.  “The Square: The  Story of a Saloon” is by Ron Fimrite, a sports writer who worked for  Sports Illustrated and then the San Francisco Chronicle. Judy Berkley, who worked at the restaurant for a decade, wrote “WSB&G: A San Francisco Memoir.” 

Fimrite described Moose as “complex,” but the author clearly was a friend, noting, “He’s what this town used to be all about: color, character, wildness.” Berkley, who had a somewhat fractious relationship with Moose, tells delicious tales about the restaurant business.

From completely different points of view, both authors hold forth on Les Lapins Sauvages (The Savage/Wild Rabbits), the restaurant’s softball team that played on fields in Paris, Moscow and Hong Kong and in ballparks across the U.S. (In regard to the big leagues, Moose reportedly divided his loyalty between the St. Louis Cardinals and the San Francisco Giants, as do I.)

The St. Louis Beacon, an online publication from 2008 to 2013, also published a fascinating obituary for Moose that included a profile penned by Judith Robinson in 2002, based on oral history interviews. Guess what that profile revealed? 

Ed Moose in Gaslight Square 

Robinson wrote that Moose learned his restaurateur skills in St. Louis’ storied Gaslight Square; the same skills he later used to develop his restaurants in San Francisco. In its heyday — from the mid-1950s through the mid-1960s — Gaslight was home to jazz clubs, taverns, cabarets, delis, restaurants, theaters, sidewalk cafes and antique shops.

Robinson wrote that three brothers — Fred, Jay and Eugene Landesman — were among “the innovative entrepreneurs who built [Gaslight Square] into a popular night club attraction,” and many viewed the Crystal Palace and Golden Eagle as the centerpieces. Eventually, both were owned and operated by the Landesmans and Jay’s brother-in-law, Sam Deitsch. 

In his book, Fimrite describes Moose as “a fixture” at the Golden Eagle, and some reports indicate he may have been an investor as well, noting he was “attracted to the area for the jazz and camaraderie.” (I highly recommend Thomas Crone's book on Gaslight, filled with wonderful stories from those in the know.)

The lively entertainment district drew such future luminaries as the Smothers Brothers, Miles Davis, Phyllis Diller, Lenny Bruce, Dick Gregory, Alan Arkin, Mike Nichols, Elaine May, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, Barbra Streisand, Odetta, Woody Allen and Josh White.

Gaslight Square attracted the literati as well. One cold night in February in the early 1960s, Allen Ginsberg came into O’Connell’s Pub, which was located there at the time. Owner Jack Parker later told me that Ginsberg sat down in the lotus position in front of the fireplace, took out finger cymbals and recited from “Howl.” And to think I missed that!

During Gaslight’s glory days, I was too young to be a regular denizen, but in the mid-1960s, as the storied district was fading, I was lucky enough to have dinner at the posh Three Fountains restaurant and later attend a theater performance. (Related street cred: From the early 1970s on, I was a frequent customer at O’Connell’s, Jack Carl's 2¢ Plain and Moskus in Exile, three former hot spots in Gaslight that had relocated elsewhere in St. Louis.) 

Robinson wrote that while Moose was renting a fourth-floor walk-up once inhabited by playwright Tennessee Williams (okay, I’m name dropping), the Landesman brothers sent Mary Etta Presti, their “Girl Friday,” to show him a different place, one they owned. Moose turned down that apartment, but apparently was taken with Presti. 

Ed Moose in San Francisco 

In 1961, while working for St. Louis University, Moose traveled to San Francisco, which he described as “paradise —  flowers everywhere." Soon after, he headed west permanently. He invited Presti to join him, and they married in 1964. Two years later, Deitsch moved to the City by the Bay. In 1973, the three friends bought Rose Pistola’s restaurant, a former Prohibition speakeasy in North Beach. 

They named the place the Washington Square Bar & Grill, and it is said to have had a bit of a New York bar vibe. Patrons enjoyed cold drinks, live jazz, original art on the walls and a varied menu from the kitchen that Mary Etta co-managed, which often featured Italian food. (With wine aficionado Brian St. Pierre, she later wrote "The Flavor of North Beach," which included some of her recipes.) Michael McCourt tended bar there for a time, telling the kind of stories from his childhood that so enchanted readers of his brother Frank's book “Angela's Ashes.” I missed that too. 

The Mooses and Deitsch sold the restaurant in 1989. Three years later, they opened Moose’s on Stockton near Filbert St. Robinson described Moose's time there as “the consummate publican who greeted his guests effusively, peripatetic, in constant motion, eyes darting around the room, nattily dressed in galluses, colorful ties and tailored suits until 2005, when the Mooses sold the restaurant.” 

(“Galluses” are suspenders; I had to look it up.) 

I moved to San Francisco in June 2010, eight years after Deitsch’s death and two months before Ed Moose died. Mary Etta lived until December 2023. Inspired by  that casual question I recounted at the top of this piece (and enamored with San Francisco history), I’ve spent two weeks discovering what the Mooses and I have in common — including assorted Landesmans.

Our Connections to the Landesmans

In the late 1950s, Jay Landesman and Theodore J. Flicker wrote “The Nervous Set,” a play inspired by Landesman’s unpublished novel about his experiences as part of the Beat Generation. Jay’s wife, Fran Deitsch Landesman, wrote lyrics for the musical numbers in the show, which premiered in Gaslight Square in March 1959, and then in May moved to Broadway for a short run.  

In 1985, my editor at the Post-Dispatch assigned me to write a feature story about a revival of “The Nervous Set” by the Theatre Factory, a local company. I learned that Joseph Pulitzer, the grandson of the paper’s legendary founder and my boss, had backed the show on Broadway. He had a copy of Landesman’s novel, which he lent me as background for my article.

(Previously, Mr. Pulitzer and I had spoken only briefly when encountering one another in the stairwell at the paper.)

Two years later, The Muny — America’s oldest and largest outdoor theater, located in Forest Park in St. Louis — presented “Big River,” a musical that had premiered on Broadway two seasons earlier at one of the theaters owned by Jay and Fran’s nephew, Rocco Landesman,  the longtime Broadway producer and then president of Jujamcyn Theatres. ( 

My editor sent me to interview Rocco for a feature story. We met at The Muny, and we hit it off right away, though I did tell him his elephant-skin boots looked better on the original owner.  We’re about the same age, and we determined that as kids, we’d likely waved to one another across the one busy street neither of us was allowed to cross while riding bikes in our adjacent city neighborhoods. 

A Twist at Pilates Reformer Class

Exhilarated with my research on All Things Moose, I called Charlie Davis, a St. Louis native who used to drive a taxi in San Francisco. I asked him if he’d ever heard of Ed Moose. “I have,” Charlie said. “He was in my taxi one evening, and I thought about telling him that my mother had been to his restaurant in St. Louis — but I didn’t say anything.” An extra dollop of irony: Charlie was my date those few times I was in Gaslight Square. 

Turns out the Mooses and I have one more thing in common. Ten days or so after John first asked if I had known Ed Moose, during a break in Pilates class I told him about the many Moose-related rabbit holes I'd been down since then, and I asked how he knew the couple. 

John grinned and said, “I was their Pilates instructor.”